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  • Mr. Chen Jinyang (Executive Directors, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer)

    Mr. Chen was appointed as an Executive Director on 18 December 2012, the Chairman of the Board on 16 September 2013, an authorised representative of the Company on 29 October 2015, the Chief Executive Officer on 3 June 2019, and the chairman of the nomination committee and a member of the remuneration committee of the Company on 23 May 2023. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Chen already had substantial experience and knowledge of banking industry and investment business in the PRC. Mr. Chen is currently (i) a responsible officer and director of Hooray Asset Management Limited (“HAML”), a type-9 licensed corporation; (ii) a director of Hooray Securities Limited (“HSL”), a type-1 (dealing in securities) licensed corporation; and (iii) a director of Hooray Capital Limited (“HCL”), a type-6 (advising on corporate finance) licensed corporation, all being wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company.
  • Ms. Zhu Fenglian (Executive Director)

    Ms. Zhu was appointed as an Executive Director of the Company on 19 May 2016. She graduated from the Department of Chinese of Sun Yat-Sen University, China in 1985 with a Bachelor’s degree. She has extensive experience in corporate management. Ms. Zhu was formerly (i) a director of Dongguan Hongshun Shaohe Development Co., Ltd.; (ii) a director, the chairperson and Legal Representative of Guangdong Golden Dragon Development Inc. (“GD”, the shares of which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange with stock code: 000712); and (iii) a director of Zhongshan Securities Co., Ltd., a licensed corporation in the PRC and a subsidiary of GD. She is currently (i) the chairperson of Dongguan New Century School; (ii) a director of HSL, HCL, HAML and Ruijin Equity Investment Fund Management (Shenzhen) Company Limited (“Ruijin”), all being whollyowned subsidiaries of the Company; (iii) a chairperson of Dongguan Jinshun Real Estate Investment Limited and Dongguan Jincheng Real Estate Investment Limited; (iv) a manager and executive director of Dongguan Yuhe Industrial Co., Ltd. (“Yuhe”); and (v) a director of Dongguan Securities Limited, a licensed corporation in the PRC and an associate of GD. Ms. Zhu is the substantial shareholder of the Company. Ms. Zhu, Affluent Vast and Ever City are deemed to be interested in 1,561,140,000 shares of the Company, representing 28.32% of the total issued share capital of the Company, which comprises (a) 961,140,000 shares directly held by Ever City; and (b) 600,000,000 shares held by Eastcorp. Ever City is wholly and beneficially owned by Affluent Vast. Affluent Vast is wholly and beneficially owned by Ms. Zhu. Therefore, Ever City is deemed to be a controlled corporation of Affluent Vast and Ms. Zhu. Eastcorp is wholly and beneficially owned by Ever City. Therefore, Eastcorp is deemed to be a controlled corporation of Ever City, Affluent Vast and Ms. Zhu.
  • Mr. Xuan Zhensheng (Executive Directors)

    Mr. Xuan was appointed as Non-Executive Director of the Company on 23 April 2018. Mr. Xuan obtained a diploma in Economics Management in the PRC, and specialty in accountant qualifications issued by the Ministry of Personnel of PRC. Mr. Xuan is currently a director and general manager of New Century (a company in which Ms. Zhu and her family own shareholding interest) and a supervisor of Yuhe (a company in which Ms. Zhu and her family own shareholding interest). Mr. Xuan was previously a director and the chairman of supervision committee of GD in which Ms. Zhu and her family own shareholding interest in GD through New Century.
  • Mr. Chen Lang (Non- Executive Directors)

    Mr. Chen was appointed as Non- Executive Director of the Company on 28 June 2024. Mr. Chen graduated from Beijing Forestry University with a Bachelor’s degree in Law, and obtained a Legal Professional Qualification, Board Secretary Qualification, Securities, Funds, and Futures Practitioner Qualification and Accounting Professional and Technical Qualification (Junior Level) in the PRC.
  • Mr. Yeung Kin Chung Clifton, M.H. (Independent Non- Executive Directors)

    Mr. Yeung was appointed as an independent non-executive Director, the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, a member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company on 30 June 2023. Mr. Yeung obtained a degree of master of education from The University of Hong Kong and a degree of bachelor of education with honours from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Having served in management roles in educational institutions for many years, Mr. Yeung is experienced in administration management. Mr. Yeung has served for a charitable organisation in Hong Kong for over 20 years and occupied the top management role of the development and administration of the organisation’s education division before his retirement in March 2023. Mr. Yeung was a member of the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee (formerly known as the Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee) from 2014 to 2019, and was awarded a Medal of Honour by the Hong Kong Government in 2020 in recognition of his dedication to public service.
  • Mr. David Tsoi (Independent Non- Executive Directors)

    Mr. Tsoi was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director, the Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company on 3 June 2013. Mr. Tsoi was formerly director of Alliott, Tsoi CPA Limited. Mr. Tsoi obtained a master’s degree in business administration from the University of East Asia, Macau (currently known as University of Macau) in 1986. He is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, the Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors and the CPA Australia, respectively, and a member of Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia, Canada. Mr. Tsoi was formerly (i) an Independent Non-Executive Director of Guoen Holdings Limited (stock code: 8121); and (ii) an Independent Non-Executive director and Chairman of Audit Committee of VPower Group International Holdings Limited (stock code: 1608). Mr. Tsoi is currently (i) an independent non-executive director, chairman of Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee of Green International Holdings Limited (stock code: 2700); (ii) an independent non-executive director of Tianli Holdings Group Limited (stock code: 117); (iii) an independent non-executive director and chairman of Audit Committee of Everbright Grand China Asset Limited (stock code: 3699); and (iv) an independent non-executive director and chairman of Audit Committee of InvesTech Holdings Limited (stock code: 1087), the shares of which are all listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
  • Mr. Chao Pao Shu George (Independent Non- Executive Directors)

    Mr. Chao was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director, a member of Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company on 16 September 2013. He acted as the Chairman of Nomination Committee of the Company during the period from 13 January 2016 to 22 May 2023. Mr. Chao graduated from the College of Air Traffic Control in the United Kingdom. Mr Chao was Assistant Director General of Civil Aviation Department prior to his retirement. Mr. Chao was also a pilot and had many years of experience in aviation industry in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and China. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Chao had served as a senior management of Hong Kong Government Flying Services (formerly known as Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force before 1997) and Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). Mr. Chao was formerly a consultant of CAAC and is currently an air traffic control specialist of Central Southern Region of CAAC.

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